Click the down arrow at the right side of the Scale option box and then click 90.Click the Advanced tab then do the following:.Note you will see a preview of how your text will look at the bottom of the Font Dialog Box. In the Font Group Dialog Box, select Gabriola from the Font List box and in the font size box type 42.Click the Home Tab > Font Group and click the Font Group Dialog Box Launcher to open the Font Group dialog box.Select the first two lines of text in the document.Click the Theme Colors button in the Document Formatting Group and click the Metropolitan option.Click the Design tab > Document Formatting Group.This project is using a background photo by Mike McDonald of Ember Studio and is licensed under CC BY.The Advanced Font formatting options allow you to enhance the visual appeal of your documents by allowing you to adjust character spacing, scale or compress your text and improve text readability by adjusting spacing between character pairs using Kerning.
Click on “Save” button to open saving preferences.In this lesson you gain some valuable office skills by learning how to use the Advanced Fonts feature in the Font Dialog Box to create attractive documents that can be used for event flyers or invitations.When you in Word, go to “Word > Preferences…” menu.If you are using Microsoft Office 365 version in Mac, follow the below instructions to embed fonts in documents. Select the file from the dropdown on the “Preserver fidelity…….” line to apply this change. You have also an option to enable font embedding only for the current document or all new documents. This will disable embedding commonly used fonts on all operating systems. Select “Do not embed common system fonts” option.
This will only embed the characters and not all the fonts from the font file thus help to minimize the size.